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Showing posts from July, 2017

Booking an Instructional Design or Blackboard Meeting

While next semester may still feel a ways off, it is never to early to start planning for your next set of classes. But getting started, as they say, can be the hardest part. In this post, we'll show you an easy way to check "get started" off of your to-do list: book a meeting with us! Whether you need some help using Blackboard, moving a course online, or just want to bounce ideas off of someone for feedback, you can set up a meeting at a time or date of your choosing in as little as 60 seconds. First, visit our web page at  and select Contact Us. Now, you might be thinking to yourself "oh no, emailing back and forth during the Summer is going to take forever!" Well, fret not. To schedule meetings, we use a tool called, which provides a real-time view of our Outlook calendars. Upon clicking the link to "Schedule a One-on-One Meeting" with anyone in the department, you will be presented with a list of