If you've used Blackboard to grade student assignments, then you're likely familiar with the integrated inline grading features provided through Crocodoc. Crocodoc allowed students and instructors to view PDF and Word files directly within Blackboard and add annotations such as comments, highlights, strike outs, and drawings to the submitted assignment. However, Crocodoc displayed only a very limited number of file types. Winthrop University has upgraded to Box as the inline grading tool. PDF and Word files are still displayed directly within Blackboard, but Box offers many more supported file types for inline viewing including picture files such as .jpeg and .png, video files such as .mp4, and sound files such as .mp3. For a full list of supported file types, please visit the following site: File Types and Fonts Supported in Box Content Preview Here's a side-by-side comparison of the two views. The one on the left is the old Crocodoc view, and the one on the right is t
The Winthrop University Office of Online Learning (WOOL) blog is a supplementary tool to support faculty and staff in the pursuit of developing their knowledge and skills using Blackboard and integrating instructional technology in higher education.