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Showing posts from May, 2017

Exporting a Blackboard Course Gradebook

It's finally summer! Some of you are enjoying time off, catching up on scholarship, or even teaching summer school. Regardless of your summer plans, it's always good to do a little Blackboard housekeeping before the previous term is too far behind us.  We recommend downloading your Blackboard course gradebook(s) for your records. Just follow these five simple steps below to access and save an Excel file of your course gradebooks. Step 1: Access your the Full Grade Center in your Blackboard Course Step 2: In the top right corner, select Work Offline , and then choose Download. Step 3: Leave all of the settings as is, and select Submit. Step 4: On the following screen, select Download. Step 5: Open your downloaded Excel spreadsheet and save it to your desired location and/or print a copy for your records.